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Personal Injury

Personal Injury Lawyers

Thousands of people are seriously injured in accidents every year in California. Sometimes these accidents are caused by the carelessness, negligence, or even malice, of others. When you suffer a personal injury as a result of the action or inaction of another person or entity, the law entitles you to compensation.

If you have sustained an injury that you believe was the fault of another, you should contact California Trial Law Group, PC as soon as possible. Our highly skilled personal injury lawyers, located in Albany, is eager to help you receive every dollar of compensation you deserve, whether through negotiation or civil litigation. We are well aware of how traumatic a serious personal injury is, both physically and psychologically, and are fully prepared to take over all legal aspects of your case so that you can focus on recovering.


Every personal injury case is unique and we treat it as such. In the incident during which you were injured, you may have suffered one or more of the following:

  • Cervicalgia (severe neck pain, such as from whiplash)
  • Spinal cord damage, with or without paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Neurological or muscular damage
  • Bone fracture
  • Injury to internal organs
  • Loss of hearing or vision
  • Internal bleeding
  • Burns
  • Crushing injuries
  • PTSD or other psychiatric disorders

You should note that in Contra County and Alameda County, there is a 2-year statute of limitations from the time of the injury to the time you may file a personal injury lawsuit.


Though a fractures and whiplash injuries are serious, often resulting in prolonged pain and disability, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and other catastrophic injuries, such as amputation or spinal cord damage that causes paralysis, are major, life-altering events. If you have suffered an injury of this type that may forever change your cognition, ability to move independently, or to care for your own basic needs, it is essential that you have a skilled attorney to fight vigorously for your rights. The attorneys at California Trial Law Group are ready and able to estimate your future needs, as well as your present ones, to make sure that you win damages that will keep you comfortable and well-tended for the rest of your life.

Kinds Of Damages Awarded To Victims In Personal Injury Cases

Most commonly, damages awarded to victims of personal injury fall into two basic categories: economic and non-economic. Economic damages, as expected, are defined by calculable expenses, such as property damage, lost earnings, and medical, surgical, pharmaceutical, and rehabilitative costs. Non-economic damages compensate for pain and suffering that cannot be easily assigned a monetary value, including physical pain and disability and emotional distress.

In some instances, those who have suffered personal injuries are also awarded punitive damages, designed to punish a defendant’s intentional, reckless or malicious conduct, and to discourage others from engaging in similar actions. Punitive damages are frequently awarded in cases of wrongful death, particularly when a criminal case against the defendant has resulted in a non-guilty verdict.

Comparative Fault In California

California is a pure comparative fault state. This means you can recover damages after injury even if you were partially at fault for the accident. However, any compensation you are awarded will be reduced by the percentage of fault the court attributes to your own actions. If, for example, you were driving over the speed limit at the time of a car accident, even though the other driver was badly impaired by drugs, you may be found to be partially at fault for the injuries you suffered. If you are found to be 30 percent at fault and the damages awarded to you were $100, 000, you would, under comparative fault, received $70,000.

Why You Should Call Our Alameda County And Contra Costa County Personal Injury Lawyers

When you have suffered a serious personal injury, you certainly don’t need conversations with insurance adjusters to add to your stress. This is where our knowledgeable attorneys come in. They are both savvy negotiators and skilled litigators and are prepared to handle your case in its entirety. Because we have extensive experience in dealing with insurance adjusters and opposing attorneys, we know precisely how to position ourselves most effectively. We look forward to lifting the logistical burdens that stand between you and your recovery and working out the best possible strategy to win your case. You will be pleased to find that at California Trial Law Group we provide the right combination of aggressive legal representation and compassionate concern.

Besides being accomplished lawyers, we have the resources necessary to coordinate with accident reconstruction experts, physicians, engineers, and other professionals whose expertise can help us craft your case. We also have an impressive track record of successful outcomes. Beyond our legal prowess, each of us has a well-honed sense of empathy so we will always treat you with the sensitivity and concern you deserve. As personal injury attorneys, we work on a contingency basis. We will charge you no fee for the consultation during which we assess whether you have a viable case. As a matter of fact, you will not be billed at all until we win you the damages you are entitled to collect. In the meantime, we will be working tirelessly on your behalf. Please give us a call or fill out a contact form on our website. Se habla Español.

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